Meeting held at 4.00pm, Tuesday, 5th August 2008
Y Ganolfan Gymraeg (Welsh Centre)
Gus Payne (GP) MTCBC Arts Development
Jo Richards (JR)Freelance dance worker
Karen Dusgate (KD)Merthyr Tydfil Housing Association
Michelle Powell (MP)Town and Park Communities First
Lisbeth McLean (LM)Canolfan a Menter Iaith Merthyr Tudful
Chris Long (CL)MTCBC Economic Dev & Arts, Tourism
Alison Harris (AH) VAMT
Anne-Marie Carpenter
Val Williams (Chance Encounters)
Lesley Hodgeson (Glamorgan Gates)
David Jones (Yo! Maz)
Helen Vincent (Valleys Dance)
Carmel Barry (Taste of Enterprise)
Dinah Pye (Active Music Service)
1. Welcome / Apologies
In Anne-Marie’s absence GP acted as chair and welcomed the group with a round of introductions.
2. Minutes from last meeting
All agreed last minutes as correct, apart form Val Williams who’s apologies were not originally recorded.
3. Zoar Hall
LM reported that this development has now been successful in securing: £58,000 from HLF, £300,000 from HoV and £122,500 from CFAP (which will allow the bookshop to be moved into the vestry beginning September)
4. Old Town Hall
KD updated the group on the progress of the Old Town Hall, which was acquired by MTHA earlier this year.Following initial work to develop the building, it has become apparent that the work required is substantially more than initially expected. The extra costs means that MTHA have needed to look at alternatives to the original plans, including private finance etc.Due to the level of work needed the current plan is to maximise the internal space, retaining as many of the original features as possible, but demolishing much of the internal structure, retaining the façade.KD suggested that an option would be to transform the building into a Community Arts Centre. KD has not spoken to Alun Bond at ArtService yet (as she wanted to consult with the ACMF first), regarding the Arts Centre Feasibility Study and the Old Town Hall’s potential as a Merthyr Tydfil Arts Centre.KD reported that the project could be deliverable by December 2010/ January 2011. Would increase footfall into the town centre and could be part of the regeneration of the Pontmorlais area, offering alternatives to the current culture of “alcohol and kebabs”, which currently dominates the area especially on weekend nights.Possibilities include:
· a 450 seat auditorium or
· theatre in the round or
· an exhibition hall.
All with a multi-use option
AH questioned how this would affect the Zoar project, being so close
Others felt that the impact on the Zoar project would be more or less the same as the current proposal under feasibility, for a new build. LM agreed that both could work together, possibly even more closely being on the same street.
KD Agreed that the Old Town Hall proposal would need to compliment Zoar and The Myfanwy Theare.
Consensus was that regenerating the old town hall would be a great idea. And an Arts Centre would be a good option, especially considering the question “What other option is there for the building?”
CL agreed that using the Old Town Hall is a positive proposal and worth serious consideration. However he also reminded the group that there is also a proposal for a major Arts Centre in Ebbw Vale and that the potential funding bodies for both Merthyr and Ebbw Vale will have a regional perspective (it is unlikely that both will proceed), taking into account affordability, benefit to the whole Heads of The Valleys region (and maybe even further), public support and other relevant factors. CL agreed to take the proposal to his director to get a wider MTCBC viewpoint.GP agreed that the potential for the Old Town Hall sounds very positive but added that during Alun Bond’s presentation last meeting there were a number of presumptions listed. One was that the project would be a new build and another was that it should be geographically close to Merthyr College.
KD to contact Alun Bond to discuss the potential
5. Updates
Creative Communities still on track. MP reported that Kevin Jakeway has continued to receive positive soundings about the project.
H4A also continuing to deliver tasters etc across the region.
6. Terms of Reference
GP to circulate the updated ToR to members via email, to be ratified next meeting.
GP to send with minutes
7. Next meeting:
Y Ganolfan Gymraeg (Welsh Centre)
Gus Payne (GP) MTCBC Arts Development
Jo Richards (JR)Freelance dance worker
Karen Dusgate (KD)Merthyr Tydfil Housing Association
Michelle Powell (MP)Town and Park Communities First
Lisbeth McLean (LM)Canolfan a Menter Iaith Merthyr Tudful
Chris Long (CL)MTCBC Economic Dev & Arts, Tourism
Alison Harris (AH) VAMT
Anne-Marie Carpenter
Val Williams (Chance Encounters)
Lesley Hodgeson (Glamorgan Gates)
David Jones (Yo! Maz)
Helen Vincent (Valleys Dance)
Carmel Barry (Taste of Enterprise)
Dinah Pye (Active Music Service)
1. Welcome / Apologies
In Anne-Marie’s absence GP acted as chair and welcomed the group with a round of introductions.
2. Minutes from last meeting
All agreed last minutes as correct, apart form Val Williams who’s apologies were not originally recorded.
3. Zoar Hall
LM reported that this development has now been successful in securing: £58,000 from HLF, £300,000 from HoV and £122,500 from CFAP (which will allow the bookshop to be moved into the vestry beginning September)
4. Old Town Hall
KD updated the group on the progress of the Old Town Hall, which was acquired by MTHA earlier this year.Following initial work to develop the building, it has become apparent that the work required is substantially more than initially expected. The extra costs means that MTHA have needed to look at alternatives to the original plans, including private finance etc.Due to the level of work needed the current plan is to maximise the internal space, retaining as many of the original features as possible, but demolishing much of the internal structure, retaining the façade.KD suggested that an option would be to transform the building into a Community Arts Centre. KD has not spoken to Alun Bond at ArtService yet (as she wanted to consult with the ACMF first), regarding the Arts Centre Feasibility Study and the Old Town Hall’s potential as a Merthyr Tydfil Arts Centre.KD reported that the project could be deliverable by December 2010/ January 2011. Would increase footfall into the town centre and could be part of the regeneration of the Pontmorlais area, offering alternatives to the current culture of “alcohol and kebabs”, which currently dominates the area especially on weekend nights.Possibilities include:
· a 450 seat auditorium or
· theatre in the round or
· an exhibition hall.
All with a multi-use option
AH questioned how this would affect the Zoar project, being so close
Others felt that the impact on the Zoar project would be more or less the same as the current proposal under feasibility, for a new build. LM agreed that both could work together, possibly even more closely being on the same street.
KD Agreed that the Old Town Hall proposal would need to compliment Zoar and The Myfanwy Theare.
Consensus was that regenerating the old town hall would be a great idea. And an Arts Centre would be a good option, especially considering the question “What other option is there for the building?”
CL agreed that using the Old Town Hall is a positive proposal and worth serious consideration. However he also reminded the group that there is also a proposal for a major Arts Centre in Ebbw Vale and that the potential funding bodies for both Merthyr and Ebbw Vale will have a regional perspective (it is unlikely that both will proceed), taking into account affordability, benefit to the whole Heads of The Valleys region (and maybe even further), public support and other relevant factors. CL agreed to take the proposal to his director to get a wider MTCBC viewpoint.GP agreed that the potential for the Old Town Hall sounds very positive but added that during Alun Bond’s presentation last meeting there were a number of presumptions listed. One was that the project would be a new build and another was that it should be geographically close to Merthyr College.
KD to contact Alun Bond to discuss the potential
5. Updates
Creative Communities still on track. MP reported that Kevin Jakeway has continued to receive positive soundings about the project.
H4A also continuing to deliver tasters etc across the region.
6. Terms of Reference
GP to circulate the updated ToR to members via email, to be ratified next meeting.
GP to send with minutes
7. Next meeting:
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