
Audiences Wales Newsletter October 2009

Audiences Wales Newsletter October 2009
[Photo] The Welsh Language Marketing Forum aims to help those involved with marketing Welsh language arts events or activities by identifying shared experiences and pooling ideas to identify possible solutions. Bethan Way, Marketing Officer at Sherman Cymru, will be talking about the challenges and successes of marketing their own Welsh language events. Please come along if you would like to share your own experiences, or wish to learn from others on this topic.

The forum will be held at Sherman Cymru, Senghennydd Road, Cardiff CF24 4YE, on Friday 16th October, from 11am to 1pm. Please note that this forum is held in English, and is open to anyone involved with marketing Welsh language events. If you’d like to attend, please email michael@audienceswales.co.uk. [Photo] A big thank you to everyone who attended our CONNECT meetings in Cardiff and Carmarthen on September 22nd and 29th. They were a huge success - generating plenty of discussion between a diverse set of venues, theatre companies, arts organisation and independent arts marketers. Maggie Hampton from Disability Arts Cymru gave a presentation on marketing to disabled audiences, highlighting the numbers they represent, the fundamentals of marketing to disabled audiences and five useful steps on providing a good customer experience to disabled people. The five steps are below, all aimed at increasing disabled audiences at your venue 1. Access information sheets in box office 2. Contact list of disabled people’s organisations 3. Basic access details on publicity 4. Check systems for producing alternative formats 5. Involve disabled people Maggie also discussed Equal Spaces - a useful guide on best practice for arts providers on disability issues. The Equal Spaces guide is available to download for free on the Arts Council of Wales website. For further information click here. [Photo] [Photo] VerseOne Technologies Ltd is a web accessibility champion, delivering accessible content management solutions for websites and intranets. The company will be running a set of free seminars based on web accessibility and will provide a basic grounding in the legal and design issues surrounding web accessibility. Seminars will be held in Birmingham, Bristol, London and Manchester from November 24th—November 27th. To find out more and to register, click here. [Photo] This year’s Arts Council of Wales’ Marketing Symposium will be held at Chapter in Cardiff on Wednesday November 25th. The symposium is a great opportunity to listen to guest speakers, take part in discussions and network with friends and colleagues from across Wales. This year’s keynote speakers are Heather Maitland, talking about the impact of the recession on arts attendance, and DK from MediaSnackers, looking at the future of new technology and digital communications. Audiences Wales will also be leading a seminar on our drama audiences research project, Identifying the Potential, and contributing to a discussion panel alongside Creu Cymru and National Theatre Wales. Further information will be available on the Arts Council of Wales website soon. www.artswales.org [Photo] With the growth of on-line marketing and the use of existing social networking sites, it’s important to maintain a consistent brand image while adopting a different style and tone to suit each audience. This short article from the Sign-up.to website offers some quick advice on how to adapt Facebook, Twitter and Youtube to reflect your brand. Click here to read the article. The Sign-up.to website (www.sign-up.to) is full of useful advice and resources - with up to the minute news and views, the site offers some great ideas that you incorporate into your marketing plan. The ‘Knowledge’ section has some useful guides including a new UK email benchmarking report. [Photo] Wales' only dedicated arts print service Don't forget Audiences Wales' leaflet distribution service remains the most comprehensive service of its kind in South-East Wales. We distribute leaflets to over 350 outlets across Cardiff and South East Wales and our display stands are regularly maintained by our staff, ensuring that the display is up to date and well presented. We have been developing this service for over 20 years and remain the only company providing such a comprehensive and well maintained service for arts organisations in the area. Contact John Bullivant, Distribution Manager on 029 2037 3736 / john@audienceswales.co.uk. Free advice and support Audiences Wales provides a free advice and support service to anyone working in arts marketing and audience development including individual artists, galleries, festivals and theatres whether they are professional, amateur or community based. Whatever your question may be, give us a call and if we don't know the answer we will find out or point you in the right direction! Mailing Database Audiences Wales provides a database of members of the public who are interested in arts events, segmented by artform and postcode, which are available to artists and arts organisations. Last year we produced nearly 60,000 labels or email addresses to help organisations reach their audiences. If you would like to discuss this cost effective addition to your publicity campaign, call the Audiences Wales team. [Photo] Audiences Wales Ltd


tel : 029 2037 3736
fax : 029 2038 4141

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