
DRAMA 'Tafliad Carreg' Bydd ymweliad 14/10/2009 337

Menter Merthyr TudfulMenter Merthyr Tudful
Information for you:

Canolfan a Menter Gymraeg Merthyr Tudful
DRAMA 'Tafliad Carreg'

The Arad Goch drama company's next performance at the Welsh Centre will be on wednesday 14th October at 7.30p.m. An opportunity to see a profesional performance of 'Tafliad Carreg' (Throwing Stones), the story of two normal boys who find themselves in abnormal circumstances following one thoughtless act. Tickets £5 from Siop y Ganolfan.

At: Y Ganolfan Gymraeg, Neuadd Soar, Pontmorlais, Merthyr Tudful, Cf 47 8UB

On: Wednesday 14/10/2009 Time: 7.30

For further information contact Menter Merthyr Tudful 01685 722176

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Digwyddiad i chi:

Canolfan a Menter Gymraeg Merthyr Tudful
DRAMA 'Tafliad Carreg'

Bydd ymweliad nesaf cwmni drama Arad Goch a'r Ganolfan Gymraeg ar Nos Fercher 14eg Hydref am 7.30y.h. Cyfle gweld perfformiad proffesiynol o'r cynhyrchiad 'Tafliad Carreg' ynglŷn â stori dau fachgen cyffredin - ond o ganlyniad i un weithred ddifeddwl maent mewn sefyllfa anghyffredin. Tocynnau £5 o Siop y Ganolfan.

Yn: Y Ganolfan Gymraeg, Neuadd Soar, Pontmorlais, Merthyr Tudful, Cf 47 8UB

Dydd Mercher 14/10/2009
Am: 7.30

Am wybodaeth bellach ffoniwch
Swyddfa Menter Merthyr Tudful 01685 722176

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