
Could you be Billy?

The search is on throughout South Wales to find talented singers, actors and dancers to take part in a breath taking production by of Billy Elliot by award winning Retro Academy For Performing Arts Ltd.

Following the enormous success of the Billy Youth Theatre 2010, the producers of Billy Elliot the Musical are delighted to announce that Retro Academy For Performing Arts Ltd from Aberdare, South Wales have been chosen to participate in the second year of the countrywide scheme offering schools and youth groups the opportunity to stage their own production of this internationally award-winning show.

Auditions will take place Monday 13th December between 17:00-20:00 followed by a workshop day on Sunday 19th December.

Audition Pack and to register your place can be made by visiting http://www.retroacademy.co.uk/ or by calling Kieron Gough on 07949886556.

Billy Elliot writer Lee Hall, together with Martin Koch (Musical Supervision and Orchestrations), have adapted their original script and orchestrations to produce a shortened version of the show exclusively for groups staging local productions as part of the project. Billy Youth Theatre 2011 will involve participants from schools and established youth groups in England, Scotland and Wales, and to performers aged 10-19 years.

Musical Director for Retro, Kieron Gough said

“ This is an incredibly exciting time for Retro and young people across South Wales. We have been very fortunate to have secured a performance licence for Billy Elliot. I applied for the performance rights back in October, in which we had to submit reasons why we felt Retro deserved to put on such a prestigious production.”

With over 3,000 young people taking part in separate productions being staged across the country from Perth to Poole, Billy Youth Theatre is truly a nationwide event. Retro Academy For Performing Arts Ltd from Aberdare are delighted to announce that they will be performing their Billy Youth Theatre production at the Coliseum Theatre, Aberdare in July 2012.

As part of Billy Youth Theatre, the teams behind selected versions of Billy Elliot from around the country will be invited to perform excerpts from their productions at showcases held at major regional theatres between April and June 2011.

This will culminate with some groups being offered the opportunity to follow in the steps of Billy and perform at the Billy Youth Theatre West End Gala at the Victoria Palace Theatre, Billy’s London home, in July 2011.

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