
Places available for Best Box Office Management Courses

Hello all

A few spaces remain for the Best Box Office Management courses in Cardiff and Wrexham. Six places are available for the course at The Ramada Plaza Hotel, Wrexham on Tuesday March 17th and seven places are still available for the course at The Village Hotel, Cardiff on Wednesday March 18th.

This hands-on course, a follow up to Improving Data Capture Rates, will enable participants to take a step back from the day-to-day demands of managing and consider the role of the Box Office within their organisation. The course will help you think strategically and evaluate how your Box Office presents itself to customers.

The course will be run by Beth Aplin, a highly regarded arts consultant and trainer who specialises in box office training. She is an Associate of the Institute of Management Consultants and vice-chair of the Arts Marketing Association.

Please find attached a synopsis of the course and a booking form. We need to confirm numbers with both venues by Monday afternoon (March 16th) so please let me know if you wish to book one of the remaining places as soon as possible.

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Kind Regards
Michael Took
Marketing Executive

Audiences Wales Ltd


tel  : 029 2037 3736
fax  : 029 2038 4141

Registered in England and Wales : No. 2596844
Registered office: 2 Market House, Market Road, Canton, Cardiff  CF5 1QE
Registered Charity No. 1006810
VAT Registration No. 713 5965 24

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