4.00pm, Wednesday, 10th December 2008
4.00yh, Dydd Mercher, 10fed o Rhagfyr 2008
Voluntary Action Centre / Canolfan Gweithredu Gwirfoddol
Gus Payne (GP) MTCBC Arts Development, Alun Bond (AB)Artservice, John Matthews (JM)Artservice, Hannah Jenkins (HJ)Community Music Wales, Martyn Jones (MJ)Merthyr Tydfil College Lecturer and artist, Dinah Pye (DP)Active Music Service, Ken Long (KL)Communities First, Chris Long (CL)MTCBC Economic Dev & Arts, Tourism , Kevin Jakeway (KJ)Creative Communities, Alison Harris (AH)VAMT, Lis Mclean (LM)Menter Iaith, David Jones (DJ)Yo! Maz.
Liz Wright Merthyr Tydfil Art Society, Lee Davies 3Gs, Lisa Davies Zoom Cymru, Kate Strudwick H4A, Val Williams Chance Encounters, Anne-Marie Carpenter (AC) Independent (Chair), Stuart Bartz Blue Scar, Michelle Powell (MP)Communities First.
1. Welcome / Apologies
In Anne-Marie’s absence GP and later AH acted as chair and welcomed the group with a round of introductions.
2. Minutes from last meeting
All agreed last minutes as correct.
KJ Informed the group that Arts Connect are currently at the stage of looking more closely at potential models for a joined up arts service across the south Wales valleys and Monmouthshire.
3. Community Music Wales (CMW)
HJ outlined CMW:
• CMW is a charity
• Music for all – transcending social and geographical boundaries
• Throughout Wales with offices in Cardiff and Caernarfon
• Through English and Welsh
• Focus less on classical, which dominates school provision
• Based in community settings
• CMW tutors come with all necessary equipment.
• Training providers (OCN etc) for tutors, issue based work
• Project work including record labels
(Please visit www.communitymusicwales.co.uk for more detail)
DP emphasised that schools are broadening their music provision beyond classical.
HJ agreed and elaborated that CMW are working with some schools on Basic Skills projects.
DP asked about CMW links with choirs
HJ clarified that CMW are keen to build links with all community groups, especially choirs.
MJ asked about possible links with colleges
HJ responded that CMW would bee keen to make stronger links with Merthyr Tydfil College and agreed to meet up sometime with MJ, GP and Andrew Thomas (Performing Arts at MT College)
KJ asked about Career Pathways through CMW
HJ explained that they try to develop tutors from service users. CMW also promote bands and artists to develop through the industry, highlighting some successes that are now signed to major record companies and touring UK and other countries.
CL asked what resources could be available from a Merthyr Tydfil perspective?
HJ explained that CMW have just been successful in a pan Wales bid. Her visit today will help assess the needs of MT. In the meeting to be arranged with GP, DJ, MJ and Andrew Thomas a way forward on delivering something will be discussed
CL suggested six events in Merthyr parks, (Cyfarthfa and Parc Taff Bargoed) throughout the year. Could CMW fund that type of project?
HJ replied, yes, potentially, but this would need to be planned and take into account other needs across Wales.
MJ suggested discussing a project that may include other art forms.
KL added that community partnerships should be involved at an early stage. This type of project could be rolled out into other parks in the borough.
KJ also added that this would be something Creative Communities could also be involved in.
HJ agreed that it should be based at grassroots to build sustainability.
Action: GP to organise meeting with HJ, DJ MJ and Andrew Thomas
4. Arts Centre Feasibility Study
AB highlighted the three main elements of the Feasibility Study:
1. The study/market appraisal,/business plan
2. Identifying the site location
3. Venue design
The first two parts are now complete (but need to be passed by council)
The third point is being drawn up at present.
The critical element now is the funding. The current economic climate is also a factor and may affect decisions from WAG, especially for such a major capital project. Arts Council will not be in a position until at least 2012.
AB reminded the group of the Study’s background (Lead by Uni Glam, funded by WAG, supported by MTCBC etc. Please see minutes from 10/06/08 for further info)
The centre would be an Arts and Enterprise Centre for Merthyr Tydfil and the wider Heads of The Valleys region.
There would be a clear link with MT College to benefit Merthyr Tydfil in educational terms, together with being a community venue where people naturally gravitate towards.
At this stage at least the project includes exhibition space, workshops...a range of facilities with flexibility. Not dissimilar to the Galeri model in north Wales, with 24 workshop units, which could include the likes of Yo! Maz, Merthyr Media Project etc.
There would be a core performance space together with other spaces:
Main auditorium; 500 seating/600 standing
3 studio spaces (1. dance, 2. general and 3. a 120 retractable seat theatre).
60 professional performances a year
Programmable and community events.
A visual arts space, music, digital editing and flexible space for hire for meetings, conferences, training etc.
There should be a link with Welsh institutions (Royal College of Music and Drama, Welsh National Theatre, the new English Language Welsh National Theatre etc.)
AB shared with the group his experience during the consultation of overwhelming support for “something” in Merthyr Tydfil. There may have been the expectation that some community groups would say something to the effect of “what’s the point in spending money on this project”, AB’s actual experience was that while events currently take place in many community venues, the opportunity to take local groups to a bigger venue for a larger scale, more high profile event is currently not an option, within the county borough.
Site options:
A range of sites were considered, with a need to be close to both the
town centre and the college.
St Tydfil’s Square is owned by the private sector but with no real will from the owners to develop the site this option is unrealistic.
The proposed location is at a location, outside the flood plane, along the river, including a replacement footbridge. This location meets the requirements of having good footfall, has good parking, is close to the college but is not an educational facility
LM asked if the Old Town Hall was considered.
AB replied that it was considered but was weaker relation to the new build proposal when considering:
1. Footfall
2. Parking
3. Proximity to the college
4. Being compromised by other agendas. The Old Town Hall is valid for heritage reasons but not for a purpose built arts centre for the future.
CL agreed that there may have been issues with the night time economy of the area.
AB continued that the new build location is good regionally, following the retail example. The Cyfarthfa Retail Park and the new Merthyr Tydfil Leisure Village at Rhydycar (with a multiplex Vue cinema etc.) have both had a great deal of investment and resources put into them illustrating by their success that people will travel into Merthyr for shopping and leisure.
The parking straight off the A470 is also a bonus that cuts journey time in comparison to Cardiff and Swansea.
DP expressed that an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical coming to Merthyr would inspire people, so the auditorium should be able to take that scale and calibre of performance.
MJ pointed out that MT College are keen to provide a platform for future employers. Highlighted the example of Craft In The Bay as a partial model for the visual arts at a future Merthyr Tydfil venue, with an accessible exhibition space, with a cafe and events like Children’s Pottery Parties etc.
HJ asked who would run the proposed centre
AB replied, key stakeholders; an independent trust, including Uni Glam, MTCBC
KJ asked if it would be architecturally interesting.
AB replied; Yes.
A proposed scheme should be ready to take to potential funders next month.
5.1 Marquee (GP)
The marquee and PA are still looking for a permanent home and management group. The manufactures have quoted £1400 to train a group how to erect and dismantle the marquee.
Though the project has its issues it still has great potential as a community asset for the borough (and wider region).
The main issue is identifying a stable group of volunteers or a social enterprise who could erect and dismantle the marquee safely.
The PA is also currently in a similar state of limbo but is being managed on an ad hoc basis by Merthyr Media Project.
KL said that he would take the idea to the partnerships he works with for outdoor events.
DP suggested TY Hafan and the Fire Service
AH suggested T-Mobile volunteers
Action: KL to raise the possibility of the Marquee to partnerships
5.2 Public Art Strategy (GP)
Proceeding as planned. The funding of the Community Empowerment strand, for £25000 into Merthyr Tydfil has now been confirmed by WAG. GP will be issuing tenders next week to potential management teams to deliver the project along the Trevithick Trail as it passes through Merthyr Town centre.
5.3 Hong Kong Alley Artwork (GP)
Town and Park Communities First have been successful in being awarded funding to lead on this project. Sessions are due to start in the dew year to develop designs for the Glamorgan Gates side of the alley way. Nat West has still not agreed to their wall being worked on.
5.4 Town Centre Lantern Parade/Gymanfa Ganu (GP)
General consensus was that this project was very successful, with around 500 people participating.
LM asked what was MTCBC’s view of the project
CL informed the group that both Head of Regeneration, Bev Owen and Cllr Jeff Edwards were very pleased with the event and described it as a success.
GP added that his general perception of attendees, whilst on duty as the event finished (ensuring no children run onto the road), was very positive. There were areas to build upon and improve for the future and maybe the event wasn’t a true Gymanfa Ganu, But for those unfamiliar with Gymanfoedd Ganu, the carols and procession would have been a very positive seasonal event, which brought together different generations and organisations (Communities First, MTCBC, Menter Iaith and 5 schools) in a very positive way.
5.5 Creative Communities (KJ)
CC has been shortlisted, from 18 applications as one of 7 Wefo Demonstration Projects. The next step is for him to answer some questions at an interview meeting on 17th December. (MP will also be attending with him). KJ feels very confident and positive about answering the questions, which are based around “research” and should be simple to answer as CC has all the information available.
CC is the only entry under the “Culture” theme.
KJ is still waiting for info on Convergence but feels the project will need to restructure and he will need to write up a procurement process.
A difficulty is the timeline. KJ’s contract will currently end before Convergence.
Objective 1 to the end of June. He is currently working to extend his contract to join up with Convergence.
CL asked what would happen if there was no Convergence funding?
KJ explained that in that event, CC would support key projects; radio, cultural groups with cultural tourism etc.
5.6 Soar Arts Centre (LM)
Menter Iaith have begun to extend the activities in Soar/Y Ganolfan Gymraeg, emphasising that the project is about the people who use, and will use the centre in the future, rather than the heritage of the building (which is a positive aspect but secondary to the activity the venue will allow).
The project has secured £1,008,000 so far but still needs £360,000 which is waiting for a decision from the Big Lottery.
The project is on schedule but LM wanted to start building work in November but this has been delayed due to issues with solicitors, ownership of land etc.
CL asked if the project could continue if with the shortfall and would there be a “domino effect” if the unsecured funding fails to be granted.
LM answered “no”.
People will soon be approached to form a management committee, with reference back to forms returned last year.
DP asked how Soar would fit with the proposed larger scale Merthyr Arts Centre?
LM agreed that the larger project would certainly have an effect but she has discussed the idea with AB and both could feed off each other. Both would need to work together. The two working together is an opportunity more than a threat.
5.7 H4A (GP)
H4A’s current work is using the theme “Valley’s Girl”. GP referred to a hand out passed onto him by H4A:
Valley’s Girl is a performance project, that aims to draw upon several art forms and disciplines to create a four-stage, bilingual, multimedia presentation devised and performed by members of the community. A performance will be created in each of the county boroughs that Head for Arts serves; with performances in Torfaen, Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly and Merthyr Tydfil. Each performance will explore a different aspect of a Valley’s Girl’s life; with the Torfaen performance looking at childhood, the Blaenau Gwent performance focusing on courtship, the Caerphilly performance portraying the passing of time and the Merthyr Tydfil performance exploring aging and reflection. Each performance will also be linked to the four seasons of the year with childhood being linked to spring, courtship being linked to summer, the passing of time being linked to autumn and aging and reflection being linked to winter. The theme of the seasons will pinpoint the act of renewal as generation succeeds generation. The project explores the concept of time and therefore aims to involve community members of all ages. The project explores the lives of women and our relationships with women. It does not seek to be a historical or heritage project, but rather a celebration of life in song, words, film and dance. Merthyr Performance of “Valley’s Girl”, Sunday 29th March 2009 at the Engine House, Dowlais. Three ways people can get involved: Valleys’ Drama, Valleys’ Digital Stories and the Festival of Four. For further information, please visit: www.head4arts.org.uk or contact: 01495 357816.
LM expressed that she has been pleased to see the amount of effort being put into bilingualism from the H4A team. However she also disliked the “Valley’s Girl” name and had some misgivings about feedback she’d had from the workshop session for staff at Llanhilleth. LM felt the title should be “Valley’s Woman”, rather than “Girl”, as she feels the word “girl” has dismissive overtones, describing adults as children.
A short but lively discussion followed. GP clarified that his understanding was that the term “Valley’s Girl” was taken from a t-shirt design, originally by the very politically aware, left-wing Welsh band the Manic Street Preachers. There were also “Valley’s Boy” t-shirts at the time and both proved to be so successful amongst valleys people that the design went on to be used by other designers and sold in numerous gift and t-shirt shops throughout Wales, giving valleys people ownership of the design and the term “Valley’s Girl” (and “Valley’s Boy”). Referring to the workshop day GP informed the group that he attended the first half and there were some negative overtones expressed by one person in particular when asked to respond to the term “Valley’s Girl”, but other people had very positive responses, using flowers and other imagery as a starting point (e.g. “what kind of flower would a valley’s girl be” and then why? etc.)
6. Thought Sheets
GP drew attention to the blank Thought Sheets included with the last minutes.
MJ handed in two suggestions; A Ceramic Cafe & Gallery and Park or Garden Sculpture
CL Reminded the group that we will also need to appraise the last series of entries on the matrix.
Action: Ensure Thought Sheet matrix appraisal is in the next agenda
7. AOB
GP explained that Anne-Marie Carpenter has been in touch and would like to meet sometime to discuss the Chair’s role and her current availability etc. The deadline for re-electing a chair and vice chair is now due and should be included in the next agenda.
Action: GP to meet with AC
Begin process to re-nominate / nominate a chair and vice chair.
8. Next meeting:
11th March, 4pm, Civic Centre (Original date, 4th Feb, changed due to heavy snow).
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