
Meeting/Cyfarfod 04/02/10


Steering Group / Grŵp Llywio
2.00pm, Thursday, 4th February 2010
2.00yh, Dydd Iau, 4ydd o Chwefrorr 2010

Present: Gus Payne – MTCBC (GP), Alison Harris – VAMT (AH), Lis McLean – Menter (LM) and volunteer Charlotte Watts.

1. Welcome / Apologies: Apologies received from; Lesley Hodgson, Michelle Powell, David Jones (DJ), Kate Strudwick, Chris Long and Lee Davies (LD).

2. Minutes from last meeting
Agreed as correct (no messages have been passed on of any mistakes)

3. ACMF main meeting event planning.
GP has been in touch with LD who has confirmed that the 3Gs Community Choir would perform (they won the Best Choir category at Merthyr’s Got Talent). LD also confirmed that Suzanne Foley and Gwyn Jones would give a case study of how the 3Gs Arts and Music was established and has continued to flourish.
Fiona Winter has also been back in contact and will do a short demonstration with a small group of about 5, which will include some participation.
Andrew Thomas has confirmed that we can use the Myfanwy Theatre and Martyn Jones (Art Dept) is happy for us to borrow some easels for the night
DJ has not confirmed whether anyone from YMAZ will be doing a presentation yet.
LM suggested including a short slot to update on the Zoar Arts Centre project.
GP also passed a first rough draft of the Arts in Merthyr document/pamphlet, highlighting some of the activity over the last year or so.
Action: LM to confirm harpists for the buffet and teas an coffees period.
Action: GP to email Arts in Merthyr document to the rest of the group for comment.

4. Audiences Wales (AW) Training
AW is able to offer some training to ACMF members in things like marketing, press and research.
LM explained that soon she would be looking for members of an Arts Centre Management Committee to oversee the running of Zoar Arts Centre. Training in being an “effective management committee member” would be a good start to help guide new members in best practice.
High quality training around creating a “marketing strategy” to build participation would also be beneficial if at a sufficiently high standard.
This could also be something to flag up in the main meeting in April
Action: Include AW training potential as part of the April wider group meeting
Action: GP to run ideas past Nick at AW to discuss possibilities

5. Updates
AH requested an update on the Merthyr Tydfil Arts Centre proposal as there appears to be some speculation on the Old Town Hall being used. AH pointed out that at an early stage this proposal, to use the Old Town Hall was rejected by ArtService the feasibility study consultants. GP explained that neither he nor CL is aware of any firm proposal as yet and a new Arts Centre for Merthyr is still uncertain.
AH also asked about the position of the current Arts Strategy. GP explained that the strategy will be finalised and taken to Council when we have a firm confirmation of whether the new Arts Centre will or will not go ahead.
The Public Art Strategy for the Heads of the Valleys will be launched around the time of the Ebbw Vale National Eisteddfod.
6. AOB
LM flagged up the fact that she will soon be looking for Management Committee members for the new Zoar Arts Centre.
LM also explained that new gates to Zoar need to be designed. GP suggested passing him some of the details as this is something that could be covered by the HoV Public Art Steering Group, using HoV money to produce some functional public art, with possibly community workshops to help community buy-in and to raise awareness of public art.
Action: LM and GP to discuss the possibilities for the new Zoar Gates to be a HoV public art project

7. Next Steering Group meeting:
Tuesday, 16th March 2010, 2pm, VAMT.

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